Joselin Tomasa Tino Chitic
Ref# CH3931

About Me
My name is Joselin Tomasa Tino Chitic. I'm a 11-year-old.

My birthday is
June 1, 2012.
Attends Program


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Sponsorship Type


My Story

Hello! How are you? I am Joselin Tomasa, and I send you warm greetings. I am writing you from Chixocol town, and thankfully, my family and I are fine. We believe in God, and we are assured of our Salvation. We are still members of Noah’s Ark Assembly of God Church, and we attend the Sunday’s service. My father’s name is Carlos, and he is 32 years old. He tends a grocery store in Guatemala City and comes home when he has a week off. My mother’s name is Antonia, and she is 29 years old. She works hard at home and takes care of us. At the moment, we are in need of groceries like corn. We raise hens and turkeys, and we sell them when we need money. We grow corn for our consumption.

I am 11 years old now, and I enjoy a cake and family lunch when it is my birthday. I am in 5th grade, and I prefer to attend school in person because I learn more. Thankfully, the school supplies are not so expensive in my village. I want to become a teacher when I am older. I also would like to learn English language. I enjoy Christmas celebration because we eat the traditional “tamales”, share good moments as a family and light fireworks. My favorite sport is soccer, and I love drinking pineapple juice and strawberry shakes. Living Water and you are very important to me because you have been a great blessing for my whole family. I close my letter wishing you the best, and I pray God pays you back for all you have done for me.

Kisses and hugs

Joselin Tomasa Tino Chitic

Translated by: Loyda de Osorio/A-A-C Secretary, Antigua Guatemala